5 min

5 min

Rajni Bharara

Published on Jul 13, 2023

Best Flutter Learning Roadmap in 2023 to become a top Flutter Developer

Introducing a Comprehensive Roadmap for Aspiring Flutter App Developers

Flutter, an open-source cross-platform application development framework, offers developers a seamless way to build high-quality, performant, and visually appealing applications with ease. Backed by Google and boasting a thriving ecosystem of third-party packages and a strong community, Flutter has become the go-to choice for many developers worldwide.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced iOS/Android developer, this blog presents a comprehensive syllabus that covers all the essential topics to help you become a proficient Flutter software developer.

Prerequisites for leaning Flutter

  • Ideal for beginners and experienced iOS/Android developers venturing into cross-platform app development with Flutter.

  • Basic understanding of any programming language.

  • Access to a capable Windows/Linux/Mac computer.

  • A genuine passion for learning and growing as a developer.

Optimum Roadmap to learn Flutter to become a best Flutter Developer

Cluster 1: Introduction to Mobile App Development

  • Overview of mobile app development

  • Historical context and current trends

  • Comparison between native and hybrid apps

  • Existing tools and their significance

  • An exploration of why Flutter and Dart are the preferred choices

  • Key terminologies in mobile app development

Cluster 2: Introduction to Dart

  • Historical background and an overview of Dart

  • Foundational concepts: environment, syntax, data types, variables, operators, loops, decision making, lists, maps, functions, and parameters

  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with Dart: classes, constructors, inheritance, interfaces, mixins, overriding, and operator overloading

  • Intermediate Dart: keywords, null safety, getters and setters, exception handling

  • Advanced Dart: lambdas, higher-order functions, closures, futures, and streams

Cluster 3: Introduction to Flutter

  • A brief introduction to Flutter and its history

  • Overview of Flutter projects

  • Understanding Flutter's UI development

  • An overview of Flutter's architecture

  • Important terminologies in Flutter

Cluster 4: Development Environment Setup

  • Detailed instructions for installing Dart and Flutter on Windows/Linux/Mac

  • Setting up emulators for testing

  • Configuring VMWare and XCode for iOS development

  • Establishing connections with Android and iOS devices

Cluster 5: Git Basics

  • A detailed guide to using Git for version management.

  • Creating repositories locally and on GitHub

  • Managing local changes and pushing them to repositories

  • Cloning projects from repositories and branching

  • Merging changes and utilizing pull requests

Cluster 6: UI Design with Flutter

  • Exploring the Flutter app's architecture

  • Introduction to widgets and their significance

  • Exploring the build method and its role

  • Comparing stateful and stateless widgets

  • Examining important widgets for UI design

  • Utilizing layout widgets effectively

  • Handling gestures for enhanced user interaction

  • Building complex UI designs

  • Navigation and routing in Flutter

Cluster 7: Communicating with the World

  • Consuming REST APIs within Flutter apps

  • Working with JSON data and transforming it into models

  • Displaying data from APIs in the app's UI

  • Utilizing asynchronous programming with futures and async/await

  • Incorporating third-party packages for extended functionality

Cluster 8: Data Storage & Assets

  • Managing assets in Flutter apps

  • Reading from and writing to files

  • Leveraging shared preferences for simple data storage

  • Utilizing SQLite for more advanced database operations

  • Integrating Firebase for real-time and Firestore database functionalities

Cluster 9: Forms & Validation

  • Creating a login screen with Flutter

  • Capturing user input and handling keyboard interactions

  • Validating form inputs

  • Utilizing global keys for form management

  • Handling form submissions and implementing mixins for validation

Cluster 10: Animations in Flutter

  • Understanding the basics of animations in Flutter

  • Implicit and explicit animation techniques

  • Working with common animation widgets

  • Utilizing AnimationController for custom animations

  • Implementing tween animations for smooth transitions

  • Creating visually appealing effects like the hero effect

  • Coordinating parallel animations for cohesive UI experiences

Cluster 11: Reactive Programming with Flutter

  • Introduction to streams and their relevance in Flutter

  • Working with streams and handling stream data

  • Exploring reactive programming concepts with RxDart

  • Utilizing broadcast streams and different stream types

  • Implementing the BLoC (Business Logic Component) pattern with streams

Cluster 12: State Management with Flutter

  • Understanding the importance of state management in app development

  • Overview of various state management approaches (Provider, Riverpod, BLoC)

  • Implementing state management with Riverpod

  • Building a project using Riverpod as the state management solution

  • Exploring Provider and ScopedModel for state management

  • Implementing state management with BLoC architecture

  • Building a project using BLoC as the state management solution

Cluster 13: Basic Testing

  • Introduction to different types of tests

  • Writing unit tests for individual components

  • Conducting integration tests for multiple components

  • Mocking HTTP requests for isolated testing environments

Cluster 14: Custom Components & Packages

  • Creating custom components tailored to app requirements

  • Building basic packages for modular and reusable code

Cluster 15: App Publishing

  • Generating release builds for deployment

  • Securing code through obfuscation techniques

  • Signing apps for distribution

  • Performance optimization tips for improved app efficiency

  • Step-by-step guide to creating developer accounts on App Store and Play Store

  • Publishing apps on Play Store

  • Publishing apps on App Store

Cluster 16: Miscellaneous

Exploring additional Flutter features and functionalities:

  • Camera integration

  • Custom paint and advanced design techniques

  • Sensors utilization

  • Permission handling

  • File input/output operations

  • Implementing push notifications

  • Handling multipart form requests

  • Integrating Google Maps and working with location data

  • Adding swipe-to-refresh functionality

Cluster 17: Bonus

  • Guidelines for structuring Flutter projects

  • Project management best practices

  • Introduction to common design patterns

  • Publishing packages to the official Dart package repository (pub.dev)


By following this comprehensive syllabus, you will gain the necessary skills and knowledge to embark on a successful journey as a Flutter app developer. The included project list offers practical hands-on experience to reinforce your learning. With Flutter's growing popularity and demand, mastering this framework opens up abundant opportunities for your career. Keep practicing, stay curious, and a promising future as a Flutter app developer awaits you.

Top Practice Projects for Flutter Learning

To complement your learning, here are a variety of projects at different complexity levels that you can work on:

  1. Todo List App with Cloud/Local storage

  2. Calculator App (Math/Interest/BMI)

  3. Converter App (Unit/Date/..)

  4. NEPSE app

  5. Hangman game

  6. Quiz Game

  7. Tic Tac Toe Game

  8. News App (Wordpress/NewsAPI)

  9. Movies App

  10. E-commerce App

  11. Simple app with authentication

  12. Crypto App

  13. Covid-19 tracker

  14. Music Player

  15. Travel App

  16. Paint App

  17. Food delivery/ordering app

  18. Solving design challenges (from Dribbble/Behance)

  19. State management implementation

Engage with these projects to apply your knowledge, enhance your skills, and gain practical experience in Flutter app development. Wishing you the best of luck on your journey to becoming a proficient Flutter app developer!

Apart from this, we have written other in-detail articles on Flutter and mobile app development. You can find them below: